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NUT packages status checkpoint

Hi fellows,

Hope you're all fine, and that the summer is not too
hard for you.

Here is a small checkpoint about NUT (and related)
packages status in Sid:

1) 1.4.1-pre1-1 is in the upload queue since yesterday.

It closes all current NUT bugs but #196513 <http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=196513> and #196513.
The later will be closed by the next upstream release!
1.4.1-pre1-1 also introduces the nut-snmp package,
with an SNMP Manager, while waiting for the Agent.

@Karl: we'll need to sync on #196513 <http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=196513> to solve it...

2) here is my todo list about the nut packages (don't
hesitate to complete or close some, but announce it!):

* check debconf usage issue in preinst scripts (cf Karl's mail)
and more generally recheck all scripts.
* create an "/usr/share/lintian/overrides/nut" file for packaging, containing:
script-in-etc-init.d-not-registered-via-update-rc.d /etc/init.d/ups-monitor
to override lintian warning, and look if there is an issue (linked to the
previous point).
* remove /lib/nut/ and /etc/nut/*.sample in nut.postrm(purge)
* check "dh_shlibdeps -Xupsfetch.o" issue (outdated)
* create a nut-usb package (need upstream changes)
to deal more cleanly with hiddev and other upcoming
usb drivers (fixes the current "Makefile rule override").
* nut.init: in stop) rule, switch start_stop_server stop
and start_stop_client stop to stop upsmon first.
* nut-snmp.prerm: create and add "upsdrvctl stop [snmp]"
(if snmp-ups is loaded at remove time, it will keep
running after removal!)
* check if update from 1.2 needs [more] controls
* check for doc updates

So, lots of things remaining to be done ;-)
Other things are currently under development state
in NUT for the upcoming 2.0, but will have effect on NUT
package splitting in Debian...

3) related NUT packages:

* knutclient 0.7-pre2 is in the upload queue for few days,
and will close ITP #201015
* wmnut is fine for the moment (0.58). I plan the next
upstream for NUT 2.0 switch (undermove with 1.5)
* Other existing and not packaged NUT clients are

To conclude, our collaboration (Karl and myself) on
NUT bug squashing was really productive! I think he
also should be listed as NUT Co Maintainer to
officialise it, as Karl is also one of the most active
people in the NUT Community!

While waiting to read you,

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