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OT (Re: Excessive wait for DAM - something needs to be done)

Martin Michlmayr - Debian Project Leader <leader@debian.org> writes:

> * Jamin W. Collins <jcollins@asgardsrealm.net> [2003-07-21 18:52]:
> > Perhaps that is because only the DPL can appoint them (as far as I can
> > tell) and we haven't seen a request from you for them.
> Request for help are usually very ineffective; examples: apt's
> maintainer asked for help and didn't get any (with the exception that
> mdz has started more apt work, but he worked on apt before so
> effectively there are no new volunteers), Bdale is looking for a
> co-maintainer of ntp as is md for mutt.

Mails with suggestions and offers to help (and I'm esspecially mean
apt here :( ) also go unanswered or patches for bugs or improvements
get just overlooked and never included.

Shit happens. Don't stop trying.


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