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Re: default MTA for sarge

On Wed, Jul 16, 2003 at 03:08:52PM +0400, Vadim Berkgaut wrote:
> >> Sorry, do I understand it correctly:
> >> default MTA is only required because 'at' in base depends on it?

> > An MTA is *not* required. It is in base. There's a difference.

> *Not* required, but *is* in base. Sounds bad.

> Ok, I will know the drill. Exim is important. Postfix is extra.
> Base is not what is required but what most users would probably
> install.

Then maybe we should actually consider what users are installing.  From

4     exim                             680   642    32     6     0
7     postfix                          320   308     2    10     0

If half as many popcon users have postfix installed as exim, and exim is
the *default*, that's an awful lot of people going out of their way to
install exim, isn't it?  How many of those exim users would actually
know the difference if the default was changed from exim to postfix,
instead of from exim to exim4?

Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer

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