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Re: default MTA for sarge

On Wed, 16 Jul 2003 10:58, Craig Sanders wrote:
> correction: i said exim's *design* is insecure.
> AFAIK, there are no current security holes or exploits for exim.  there
> have been in the past, and the insecure design means that there probably
> will be in future.


I believe that Exim uses the same basic design as Sendmail, a single 
executable is used for the daemon (which does all spooling and delivery 
actions, spawning Procmail, writing files directly to home directories, 
reading ~/.forward, etc) and for sending mail locally "sendmail -t".

This means that if there is a bug in one part of the daemon's operations it is 
likely that it will be able to get full access to the user's home 
directories.  Postfix and Qmail have a number of small programs running as 
non-root which do a small number of well defined tasks.  This means that if 
one of those programs has a bug triggered by a buffer overflow it must then 
be tricked into exploiting the next program in the chain before access to the 
user home directories is gained.  This means that exploiting a mail server is 
not a simple matter of finding a single bug, but a long and arduous process.

Finally if using a modified Linux kernel for extra security such as Security 
Enhanced Linux you have better control over Postfix or Qmail than Sendmail or 

With Sendmail/Exim you have one binary used for sending mail (called from 
mailx etc) as well as for the daemon.  So when a system boot script runs it 
the kernel is unable to determine if it was called from a daemon that wants 
to send email from it's boot script (a few of them do) or if it's the daemon 
being started.  Therefore the process spawned by mailx during system boot 
gets the same access to the mail spool as the daemon does.  This may not seem 
like a problem, but consider the game exploit (for nethack if I recall 
correctly) whereby a bug in the SETGID game allowed writing corrupt data to 
the game files which then triggered a buffer overflow in a root process run 
from the startup scripts.  On a non-SE system such an exploit is devastating, 
on a SE Linux system it gives limited ability to do damage unless something 
else is weak.

My SE Linux policy for Postfix and Qmail has different domains for each of the 
common daemon processes, this gives them greater isolation from each other 
and the rest of the system than they normally get.  For example only two of 
the Postfix daemon processes are permitted to run procmail.  If there was a 
hypothetical known bug in procmail then you would have to get the Postfix 
local delivery program or the Postfix "pipe" program to run Procmail if you 
wanted to remotely exploit a machine, if it was not possible to get either of 
those two programs to run Procmail in the manner required to exploit the bug 
then a remote attack would be impossible.  For Exim or Sendmail it is not 
possible to restrict the access that part of the mail server has to Procmail.

Finally, some people who are more paranoid than me consider that it's bad 
practise to put extra functionality in a program, any extra code is code that 
can be potentially jumped to as part of a stack-smashing attack and used to 
do undesired things.  Based on this logic alone it is a bad idea to have the 
local mail queuing functionality in the same binary as the mail server 

http://www.coker.com.au/selinux/   My NSA Security Enhanced Linux packages
http://www.coker.com.au/bonnie++/  Bonnie++ hard drive benchmark
http://www.coker.com.au/postal/    Postal SMTP/POP benchmark
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