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Re: Getting hostname

On 04-May-03, 12:34 (CDT), Holger Kubiak <debian@holger-kubiak.de> wrote: 
> I want to package a tool. In a shell-script I need access to a hostname
> belonging to a given IP. If the package host is installed I get:
> holger@myhost:~$ host
> Name: www.heise.de
> Address:
> If the package bind9-host is installed I get:
> holger@myhost:~$ host
> domain name pointer www.heise.de.

First, getent looks like the best answer. Using dig and requiring DNS
when it might be defined in /etc/hosts or NIS seems like a bad idea.

Secondly, file a bug against bind9-host for "Providing: host". It doesn't
provide the same interface. 


Steve Greenland
    The irony is that Bill Gates claims to be making a stable operating
    system and Linus Torvalds claims to be trying to take over the
    world.       -- seen on the net

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