Re: [ Re: why do we care about configuration files?]
>> On Fri, 18 Apr 2003 19:06:34 -0400,
>> David B Harris <> said:
> if [[ "$always_yes" = "true" ]]; then
> grep -v '^/etc/foo/bar$' /etc/conffiles/managed > "$tempfile"
> && cp "$tempfile" /etc/conffiles/managed if ! grep
> '^/etc/foo/bar$' /etc/conffiles/unmanaged; then
> echo /etc/foo/bar >> /etc/conffiles/unmanaged
> fi
> fi
ucf development has something like this, except it is more
paranoid and checks to see if something is in managed and unmanaged
at once.
> But I dunno, the scenario I brought up would still remain. Even if a
> file is in /etc/conffiles/managed, the user still needs to be asked if
> it's okay to overwrite it, unless they tell the system otherwise.
Why? The only way a file would ever be lsited there is if the
admin put it there. I say that policy states that be default _no_
file goes into the managed list; and the shipped default for
/etc/coonffile/default is unmanahed. (managed is a list of files that
the package can freely over write).
> How will we let them tell it otherwise?
They told us that by entering a conffile name in the managed list.
> I'm thinking in the "may I upgrade your configuration file?" question,
> have the options I mentioned before ("no", "yes", "always-no").
> With "no" and "yes" being one-time-only things, "always-no" removing the
> line from /etc/conffiles/managed and adding it to
> /etc/conffiles/unmanaged.
> How's that sound? It's unobtrusive, only adding a third option.
I think this is not needed. Since the shipped default is for
all files to be unmanaged, ie, not ever written over by default; any
files in the managed section were put in by explicit admin action.
Lost: gray and white female cat. Answers to electric can opener.
Manoj Srivastava <> <>
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