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Re: Fakeroot to obsolete DESTDIR

Andrew Suffield wrote:
> Read the fakeroot manpage for an explanation of why fakeroot does not
> wrap open().

                                                           The real way around
              this  is  to  wrap  open()  and create(), but that creates other
              problems, as demonstrated by the libtricks package. This package
              wrapped  many  more  functions,  and tried to do a lot more than
              fakeroot .  It turned out that a minor upgrade of libc (from one
              where the stat() function didn't use open() to one with a stat()
              function that did (in some cases) use open()), would cause unex-
              plainable  segfaults  (that  is,  the  libc6  stat()  called the
              wrapped open(), which would then call the  libc6  stat(),  etc).
              Fixing  them wasn't all that easy, but once fixed, it was just a
              matter of time before another function started  to  use  open(),
              never  mind  trying  to port it to a different operating system.
              Thus I decided to keep the number of functions wrapped by  fake-
              root  as  small  as possible, to limit the likelihood of 'colli-

It's certianly possible to work around this kind of thing, if not always
pretty. I've sucesfully kept open() wrapping working in libmooproxy for over
a year. Anyway, it probably wasn't worth it if fakeroot was only wrapping
open to get the information used to resolve the touch problem described
earlier in the man page, but it might be worth the pain to add open path
support. Up to Clint of course..

Of course, it would sort of suck if we became dependent on this, and then
glibc broke it in some way that was impossible to work around without 
hacking glibc. That would put us in a messy position. At least if fakeroot
breaks irreparably now, we have an easy work around.

see shy jo

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