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Re: [Moshe Zadka <m@moshez.org>] Independent Count

>> On Mon, 24 Mar 2003 17:29:04 -0300,
>> Henrique de Moraes Holschuh <hmh@debian.org> said: 

 > And to allow that, we need to change voting procedures, to preserve
 > secrecy of the voting...  the ballots would have to be cyphertext,
 > with a signature wrapping the cyphertext, or something to that
 > effect.

	At some point this should trigger a discussion of 
 a) Why we need secrecy (the argument I have heard is so that people
    can vote freely without worrying about potential animosity from
    the person they did not vote for, or a pressure to vote for
    someone they are close to). If the candidates can't see the
    results, does it matter if more than one person can see the
 b) The cost of correctly voting. Already we have a higher than
    previously ration of rejected votes. encrypting the vote to a
    voting key, and wrapping that another signed message, would
    likely make voting too difficult for a number of people. 
 c) All this would need tested, working code in devotee before next
    elections, nu?


Recipe for a Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster: Take the juice from one
bottle of Ol' Janx Spirit Pour into it one measure of water from the
seas of Santraginus V (Oh, those Santraginean fish!) Allow 3 cubes of
Arcturan Mega-gin to melt into the mixture (properly iced or the
benzine is lost.) Allow four liters of Fallian marsh gas to bubble
through it. Over the back of a silver spoon, float a measure of
Qualactin Hypermint extract. Drop in the tooth of an Algolian
Suntiger.  Watch it dissolve. Sprinkle Zamphuor. Add an
olive. Drink... but... very carefully...
Manoj Srivastava   <srivasta@debian.org>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
1024R/C7261095 print CB D9 F4 12 68 07 E4 05  CC 2D 27 12 1D F5 E8 6E
1024D/BF24424C print 4966 F272 D093 B493 410B  924B 21BA DABB BF24 424C

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