Hi! Actually I couldn't decide for this step for long time because of my personal relation to ArgoUML and hope that I would find time to re-start maintaining this package(s). But now I am sure that: 1. ArgoUML is just too great to have no active Debian maintainter 2. It has new release since some months which should be packaged 2. I finally moved to other things (Java related too) and won't have time (and commitment) to maintain it properly. You can take a look at http://www.argouml.org and at argouml packages currently in unstable to learn more about it. But belive me: ArgoUML *IS* great, complete and robust UML tool [1], with very creative, open and active upstream. If you decide to take over the package (and it's dependecies) - you can be sure they (and me too) will help you when/if you have troubles. Now down to the technical business - the packages to take over are: argouml - Modelling tool to help you do your design using UML. libdtdparser-java - Java DTD parser library libgef-java - Graph Editing Framework written entirely in Java libnsuml-java - Novosoft UML (Unified Modeling Language) library libocl-argo-java - Dresden OCL (Object Constraint Language) Java Toolkit There's not much magic in packaging ArgoUML and it's dependencies besides maybe some small and solvable licensing problems that used to be here and there (and it took some time to solve them). The packages are all in good shape [2]. But now, FWIK - argouml and it's dependencies should be clean as destilled water :-) and all of them free [3] - according to DFSG. So now I'd like a new maintainer to show up. If you want these packages - please say a few words about yourself and your related experieces. If you have any questions - just ask and I'll try to answer them. Regards Grzegorz B. Prokopski [1] I used ArgoUML to create diagrams for my M.Sc. thesis. Packaging ArgoUML (after my thesis were ready) was a kind of paying back the debt for this great tool. [2] There are #155198 and #155200 which say that ArgoUML should depend on java2 (trivial) and #163198 FTBFS which I couldn't recreate (it may be due to different versions of sdk or different setup of alternatives but surely ArgoUML *does* build) [3] Because there's no DFSG-free implementation of swing - ArgoUML still depends on non-free java runtime implementation so it belongs to contrib directory. -- Grzegorz B. Prokopski <gadek@debian.org> Debian http://www.debian.org/
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