Closing bugs in removed packages
I did some inactive maintainer work recently and noticed that someone
wants to do an NMU for a package which is not in the archive anymore.
It is one of about 30 packages which were purged by the RM in November
(see and search for "purged
by RM"). I normally close bugs of packages that are removed from
Debian, but I remember not closing the bugs of those packages because
the packages were not removed with the consent of the maintainer. And
that means that the packages might get re-introduced again later.
Since you cannot re-open bugs after 30 days, I thought I'd just leave
them open for now. However, this is not an optimal solution since
there are about 40 RC bugs and > 300 bugs in total just from these
packages (packages which are not even in Debian anymore!).
In any case, to avoid people fixing those bugs, I tagged the 41 RC
bugs as "fixed" now. Since the packages haven't been re-introduced
since November, I'm probably going to close all >300 bugs soon with a
nice message that the package was removed. However, I wanted to raise
this issue here just to see what other people think. Additionally, I
wanted to ask if there's any work underways to allow bugs to be
reopened even after 30 days? Well, if you read this and want to
re-introduce one of these packages again, let me know and I won't
close its bugs.
P. S. Here's a complete listing of the open bugs from those packages:
acroread: 37513 37514 38698 42829 42888 55359 62118 63054 63257 67299 72368 83556 84477 90578 96855 100410 106489 107292 112013 119468 125898 130753 131031 131488 134604 134605 136782 137997 138841 147539 159586 159840 161151 161531 161646 162722 163896 169386 180267
37513: normal: acroread: Turns purple when covered by dialog or scrolled into view
37514: normal: acroread: Toolbar doesn't inherit KDE color settings.
38698: grave: acroread: generates a file named AdobeFnt.lst in $HOME
42829: normal: acroread hangs the blackbox on second file open
42888: normal: acroread: needs rw /usr with free disk space
55359: normal: acroread: colormap related BadAccess on startup
62118: normal: acroread: segfaults while opening a file
63054: normal: acroread: segfault when loading a document
63257: grave: acroread creates world writeable file in user's home directory
67299: normal: acroread: acroread leaks memory
72368: normal: acroread 4.05-1 hangs system
83556: grave: acroread creates world writable file in $HOME
84477: normal: Printing wrongly declares "%!PS-Adobe-3.0"
90578: normal: acroread: It doesn't even start on my unstable machine.
96855: minor: Acroread consumes extremely much memory
100410: minor: Request for Acroread 5.0
106489: normal: acroread doesn't clean up tmp file during stdin conversion
107292: normal: acroread: fontList warning
112013: minor: acroread; Looks for file in $HOME/..
119468: minor: acroread: chooses tmpfile name as title
125898: normal: acroread: it segfaults on opening any pdf document
130753: normal: acroread: Acroread exits with error code 0x400e0009
131031: normal: Fonts of menu items etc.
131488: normal: acroread: charset problem on unstable
134604: normal: Modal windows open behind the main window
134605: minor: acroread: problem with ISO8859-15 charset
136782: important: galeon crashes while loading any pdf file
137997: grave: acroread: Acrobat Reader seems to link against zlib
138841: normal: acroread: find something better to suggest than netscape
147539: wishlist: acroread: New upstream version
159586: important: acroread crashes at startup
159840: minor: acroread: Plugin messes up Mozilla's location bar
161151: wishlist: acroread: Outdated, upstream version 5.06 is available
161531: important: acroread: acroread crashes on startup
161646: minor: acroread Assertion _nWritten == nCount_ failed
162722: important: [Acroread5] Can't read Japanese documents.
163896: important: acroread: Mozilla plugin crashes at startup for version 5.06 of acroread.
169386: important: acroread: Acroread5 fails in UTF-8 locale
180267: normal: acroread: UI texts unreadable
communicator: 44009 60540 64755 72220 88121 131114 149339 176393
44009: normal: Bogus 'Sender:' line on outgoing mail
60540: normal: communicator-smotif-472: if LANG , it crashes when adding adresses!
64755: normal: communicator-smotif-472: inserts 'Sender: camm' in outgoing messages
72220: wishlist: Netscape 475 does not expunges messages on exit for IMAP server
88121: normal: cannot input text if scrollbar clicked on startup
131114: normal: Netscape Communicator has broken menu fonts
149339: wishlist: [patch] Updates for new version of Netscape 4.x
176393: minor: Short description doesn't say what package is about
communicator-base-477: 149340
149340: wishlist: [patch] Updates for new version of Netscape 4.x
communicator-spellchk-477: 124513
124513: minor: communicator-spellchk-477: Spelling error in description
console-apt: 43010 45600 52918 54563 55106 57277 58362 58363 59174 60068 60626 60940 61472 64255 64312 64313 64325 64397 64824 65091 65279 66933 69583 69889 69890 71168 71437 71757 71760 71763 71767 71950 72336 72608 72612 74849 74850 74851 74852 74853 75611 76222 76223 76446 76962 77031 77371 77373 77376 77377 77378 77505 77510 77639 78021 78023 78196 79988 81539 82767 85685 86258 87242 88422 94057 97605 106919 107135
43010: normal: console-apt forgets that packages should be installed if an error encountered
45600: wishlist: various bugs and UI issues
52918: wishlist: console-apt: [wishlist] show new packages since last state (like dselect)
54563: normal: capt does not resize when xterm is resized
55106: wishlist: console-apt: doesn't save state when interrupted
57277: normal: capt won't install libpcre2
58362: wishlist: console-apt: Search function should remember last search
58363: wishlist: console-apt: Search function should remenber last string
59174: normal: console-apt: Not functional anymore.... cannot select sort method, or load package
60068: normal: base: Console-apt category labels (and sorting) are wrong
60626: normal: console-apt: cant browse after DL
60940: normal: capt doesn't handle 404s very well
61472: normal: capt gives wrong error message when the sources.list doesn't contain correct repositories
64255: wishlist: mouse support with gpm
64312: normal: console-apt: segfaults/freezes when connection is/goes down
64313: normal: console-apt: j/k key bindings reversed in help screen
64325: normal: console-apt: fails with dpkg internal error
64397: wishlist: console-apt; improving the user interface
64824: normal: Package: pose ; missing dependency for mesag3
65091: wishlist: console-apt: Needs to be able to put packages on hold
65279: wishlist: console-apt: how about remembering user withes when an abnormal termination ocurs?
66933: wishlist: console-apt: sort option and collapsing/skipping parts
69583: normal: capt can only be run by root
69889: normal: Resizing gnome-terminal crashes console-apt
69890: wishlist: Searching through descriptions also
71168: normal: console-apt: Sigsegv
71437: wishlist: console-apt: tetris should be accessible from command line
71757: normal: console-apt needs a Build-Depends line
71760: normal: rules file CFLAGS are ignored
71763: normal: console-apt confuses color blind users
71767: normal: console-apt: sig11 when 'l'isting filters
71950: wishlist: console-apt: when started from the debian menu, console-apt is not able to install packages
72336: wishlist: does not show dependency type
72608: normal: console-apt: segfaults on "list filters"
72612: normal: console-apt: lists strange deps for libc6
74849: normal: capt: exiting capt does not give a clean commandline
74850: normal: capt: help screen keybindings in X slightly whack
74851: normal: keypad + and - don't work correctly in capt
74852: normal: capt docs: s|Mark for install/upgrade|Toggle ...|
74853: normal: capt: reseletion of installed packages a slightly wack
75611: wishlist: Should resolve dependencies from command line
76222: wishlist: console-apt: [wishlist] key bindings in search
76223: wishlist: capt: [wishlist] sorting by install-need priority should sort by priority, not alphabetically
76446: normal: console-apt: segfaults when package installation fails
76962: wishlist: console-apt: awkward sort order
77031: normal: console-apt: capt segfaults when $LINES <= 18
77371: normal: console-apt: Man page errors
77373: normal: Deleting sort criteria leaves a bogus line
77376: normal: Scroll description moves only a single line
77377: normal: Most commands not bound to keys.
77378: wishlist: Document the colors (and other user interface)
77505: normal: [wish] 'N': move to previous search match
77510: normal: Can't add sort item at top of list
77639: normal: capt segfaults when trying to download files that are gone.
78021: wishlist: console-apt: Awkward PgUp/PgDn behavior in help window
78023: wishlist: console-apt: The cursor moves up when switching package description
78196: normal: Pressing _ twice changes back to green but removed package anyway.
79988: normal: console-apt in woody downgraded to defective potato version.
81539: normal: console-apt: vi-style keys backward in help screen
82767: normal: do not use tabs in description
85685: normal: changing sort methods
86258: wishlist: console-apt: If I mark a package for instalation/removal/purge and exit capt, when i enter capt again the packages will be not marked. capt loses the status of the last session. Also, isn't a way to use the option dselect-upgrade.
87242: normal: console-apt won't find its dependencies on sid
88422: normal: filter window fails to disappear with no input
94057: important: console-apt: Caugh Signal 11
97605: grave: deity-curses constantly crashing after download
106919: important: console-apt: depends libapt-pgk2.7, but libapt-pkg is not installable
107135: important: console-apt: If debconf setting is set to dialog, package configuration will hang console-apt
deity: 90372 90375 90379 90415 90449 90462 90616 93259 93677 94439 94440 94496 94759 98535 98536 98537 98538 98539 98541 98544 98727 103038 105419 105639 106286 110027 110304 110880 113056 115094 121073 128184 139243 149493 161342 166434
90372: normal: Crash in deity-curses
90375: normal: deity: transition problems from capt
90379: normal: Window creation error
90415: serious: can't build from source: missing build-depends?
90449: normal: sig11 on certain sort order
90462: normal: deity: reproducible segfault changing sort method order
90616: normal: deity: Error: Caught Signal 11 during package browsing
93259: normal: deity: Dependency problem
93677: minor: Errors in manpage capt.1.gz
94439: normal: deity: basic install broken
94440: normal: deity: Signal 11 on dill down
94496: normal: deity crashes when returning to package list after installing packages
94759: normal: Malformated package description
98535: normal: segfault in set tree sorting methods
98536: wishlist: support ctrl as menu modifier key
98537: minor: man page thinks it's still capt
98538: normal: screen resize wackiness
98539: wishlist: use background color for captris blocks
98541: normal: key to expand entire tree
98544: minor: truncated section descriptions
98727: normal: deity -u -d crashes
103038: normal: Menu entry incorrect
105419: serious: deity_0.8.0.4(unstable): missing build-depends
105639: normal: "depends" bug
106286: normal: deity: segfault on applying second (mutually exclusive) filter
110027: serious: deity: cannot install - missing depends
110304: grave: deity: deity: not installable
110880: serious: deity_0.8.0.5 fails to autobuild on m68k
113056: important: deity: Break dependency for new apt
115094: minor: deity: spelling errors in deity(1) man page
121073: normal: deity-curses displays wrong local version of package in list
128184: normal: deity: Description window changes selected item
139243: important: deity: search causes core dump
149493: normal: deity: Assertion failure: Window creation failed
161342: important: deity_0.8.0.6 (unstable): doesn't build with gcc 3.2
166434: important: FTBFS with gcc 3.2
deity-curses: 90376 93595 98582 101134 107976
90376: normal: deity-curses: vi keybindings are sometimes reversed.
93595: normal: deity-curses: segfault
98582: normal: deity dies with segmentation fault
101134: normal: deity segfault during package search
107976: normal: deity-curses: Got signal 11 when searching to a package.
deity-gtk: 90484 90735 91254 92590 96404 100396 101713 106580 106582 106584 115516 117823
90484: minor: deity-gtk: typos in toolbar button descriptions
90735: normal: pkgtree ignores theme styles
91254: normal: deity-gtk: Caught Sig 11 during search
92590: minor: Unmet dependencies are shown unclearly
96404: important: deity-gtk: segfaults on 'edit apt sources -> new'
100396: normal: deity-gtk: Sig 11 on "Apply" in Sorting | Tree Sorting Methods
101713: normal: no menu file for deity-gtk
106580: normal: deity-gtk: Locate/Advanced search does not work, general search woes
106582: normal: Keybindings for the menu are doubled and overfunctional | Sig 11 too
106584: normal: deity-gtk: A search should reinit the scrollbar and center the searched item
115516: important: deity-gtk: segfaults on editing sources.list when asking to update an entry
117823: wishlist: xsu may be useful with this program
gnotepad+-help: 127051 130477 137928 143752 149328 149701
127051: serious: gnotepad+: New package won't install
130477: serious: gnotepad+: should replace old -help pkg
137928: serious: gnotepad+-help: conflicts with gnotepad+
143752: serious: gnotepad+: Cannot install due due file sharing with other package
149328: serious: gnotepad+-help: conflicts when installing gnotepad+
149701: serious: gnotepad+: should conflict with -help
gtk-engines-flat: 122080 167215
122080: grave: gtk-engines-flat makes X server leak a LOT of memory
167215: wishlist: gtk-engines-flat: GTK+ 2.x version ?
kernel-patch-2.4.14-m68k: 110060
110060: critical: m68k 2.4.x kernels won't boot
libpm3: 168537
168537: important: Package references deprecated errno@GLIBC_2.0 symbol because it uses errno without including errno.h
libpm3-extra: 168538
168538: important: Package references deprecated errno@GLIBC_2.0 symbol because it uses errno without including errno.h
libsnmp-ruby: 137904
137904: grave: libsnmp-ruby: doesn't work at all
libtsp3: 102732
102732: grave: libtsp3 won't configure in testing
mixviews: 110142 120925 120926 120928 120929 123112 125139 134318 136745 146361 164931
110142: serious: mixviews_1.20-16 fails to autobuild on m68k
120925: normal: mixviews: places windows partially off screen
120926: minor: mixviews: display error message on close
120928: serious: mixviews: segfaults on exiting a window
120929: wishlist: mixviews: shouldn't wait while playing sound file
123112: serious: mixviews has bad build-dep on libg++-dev
125139: minor: mixviews: Spelling error in description
134318: normal: mixviews: cuts off end of sound when playing
136745: wishlist: mixviews: New upstream version available
146361: serious: mixviews: missing build-dependency
164931: normal: FTBFS: Build failure of mixviews on i386
navigator: 54848 58571 86384 96834 140412
54848: wishlist: View Source in navigator-smotif-47 interprets in comments
58571: wishlist: netscape-helper create a ~/.mailcap file to store its own local settings
86384: normal: netscape's dns-helper too quick
96834: minor: navigator binary package is missing copyright and changelog files
140412: normal: navigator: Typo in default bookmarks
navigator-base-477: 130354
130354: normal: navigator-base-477: cannot type data into Javascript document forms
navigator-smotif-477: 99925 117488 154469
99925: normal: navigator-smotif-477: "buffer overflow" in logfiles
117488: normal: navigator-smotif-477: navigator's disk cache grows without limit
154469: wishlist: navigator-smotif-477: A way to start netscape while mozilla is running
netboot: 31922 53502 66524 72189 140283 141315 159593 164562
31922: normal: netboot: Fix for glibc2.1
53502: normal: netboot: -a parameter do mknbi-linux doesn't work
66524: normal: error in /etc/netboot.config
72189: normal: parameter format error for 3com cards packet drivers.
140283: normal: netboot: New Version available (version 0.9.1 20. October 2001)
141315: serious: netboot does not include source for the binary drivers
159593: normal: netboot: menu file refers to obsolete location /usr/doc
164562: normal: netboot: New upstream version 0.9.6 available
netscape: 48053 57270 57880 59010 72081 74738 75366 79355 81508 96492 97978 111063 111328 114042 117269 119071 119812 145402 154786 169420
48053: wishlist: cascading style sheets depend on JavaScript
57270: normal: No man page
57880: wishlist: Wish: privacy by default
59010: normal: netscape: doesn't use x-terminal-emulator
72081: normal: netscape should use x-terminal-emulator instead of xterm
74738: normal: [potato] a2ps doesn't print html
75366: normal: there's no mention of the included Flash plugin anywhere
79355: normal: netscape: can crash if "bookmark properties" left open
81508: normal: security hole in flash, remove the from netscape-base anyway!
96492: wishlist: please include .desktop file for KDE menu
97978: wishlist: Disabling JavaScript also disables Style Sheets
111063: wishlist: New Upstream available
111328: normal: netscape: wrapper fails to do nsremote if home page is set to blank page
114042: minor: netscape: After changing from manual to no proxy a confused error box appeared.
117269: normal: editin mail rules in netscape gives 'null child passed to XtManageChildren'
119071: wishlist: netscape: New upstream release: 4.79
119812: wishlist: netscape 4.79 is out
145402: grave: netscape: zlib double-free bug
154786: normal: netscape: Crashes "reliably" with the included Javascript
169420: normal: netscape: netscape 4.77 fails to get a+b.jpg image
netscape-base-4: 39445 44507 59675 62869 65774 65856 65857 66907 68355 68742 80032 80055 82307 82323 82350 89476 94155 96450 96485 96838 96839 100826 101746 104338 107153 111448 112897 118017 140999 163171
39445: normal: [TBF] Netscape hangs on using Shft-Ins instead of Ctrl-v
44507: normal: communicator-smotif-461: Should register as text/html viewer.
59675: important: netscape-base-4: wrapper script and session management
62869: normal: netscape -remote will not start a new browser
65774: minor: Netscape: Ignoring unsupported format code in mailcap file: %{
65856: important: Netscape has problems with gnome-session/xsm
65857: important: Netscape has problems with gnome-session/xsm
66907: normal: netscape-remote fails to launch a browser if one is not running
68355: normal: netscape-base-4: Default toolbar bookmark: "Local documentation"; update for potato!
68742: normal: netscape ignores geometry setting
80032: wishlist: communicator-smotif-475: please add menu hints
80055: wishlist: navigator-smotif-476: please add menu hints
82307: normal: communicator-smotif-476: -remote fails to work
82323: wishlist: menu hints
82350: minor: Line in mailcap file results in "Netscape: Ignoring unsupported format code in mailcap file: %{" message
89476: normal: Empty dirs on removal
94155: wishlist: Patch for enabling mouse scrolling
96450: wishlist: Change depends to xlib6g ...|xlibs ?
96485: minor: netscape-base-4: Mailcap error in Netscape
96838: normal: netscape-remote does not detect running browser under certain conditions
96839: normal: wrapper should check for "-remote" nost just in $1
100826: minor: new_window or new-window in netscape-remote.1
101746: normal: netscape: should register mailcap entry for html
104338: wishlist: netscape-base-4: Add support for scrollwheel
107153: wishlist: netscape-base-4: Netscape can't usefully be run on more than one DISPLAY at once by the same user
111448: wishlist: netscape-base-4: should add support for mouse wheel
112897: minor: netscape-base-4: Suggests plugger, which is not available in unstable
118017: normal: fixes for the default bookmarks file
140999: normal: wrapper script outputs awk warning
163171: normal: netscape-base-4: netscape4 invokes mozilla instead
netscape-base-477: 96614 111981
96614: wishlist: Separate flash player from Netscape package?
111981: minor: konqueror cannot find netscape plugins
netscape-ja-resource-477: 95225 95750
95225: normal: font sizes in /usr/lib/netscape/477/netscape/ja/Netscape.*
95750: normal: netscape-ja-resource-477 overwrite `/usr/share/doc/netscape-ja-resource-475/README'
netscape-java-477: 145398 145399 161471
145398: grave: netscape-java-477: Vulnerability in bytecode verifyer
145399: grave: netscape-java-477: Java vulnerability: HttpURLConnection
161471: normal: JAVA plugin in mozilla 1.0.0 on debian 3.0
obliq: 75359
75359: normal: obliq: cannot run obliq{,-anim,..}
php3-dbase: 76697 130055 150799
76697: normal: php3-dbase_3:3.0.18-0potato1(stable): Missing build dependencies
130055: serious: php3-dbase: FTBFS on sparc, clobbers LD_LIBRARY_PATH
150799: grave: php3-dbase: uninstallable on Woody, bad dependencies
pm3: 77749 77901 79840 142098
77749: normal: [documentation] Documentation not in /usr/share/lib as advised in README.html
77901: normal: Lacking documentation in package pm3
79840: normal: compilation error: glibc renamed gregset_t to elf_gregset_t
142098: serious: FTBFS: Build failure of pm3 on i386
qtss: 89811 113201 127584
89811: critical: QTSS not working
113201: important: qtss: qtss hangs forever on rt_sigsuspend
127584: grave: qtss license violates DFSG #3
realplayer: 172047 185405 185409
172047: wishlist: Mozilla plugin configuration
185405: minor: Enhances: netscape
185409: wishlist: realplayer: Please download it for me
scalemail: 98383 99996 100002 103900 116896 125337 132115
98383: important: scalemail: Attribute name clash in scalemail.schema
99996: normal: scalemail: bad data in backend-domains map
100002: wishlist: scalemail: I wish that every config file entry was documented
103900: normal: scalemail: bad data in backend-domains map
116896: wishlist: scalemail: no architecture dependent files
125337: minor: scalemail: Spelling error in description
132115: serious: scalemail: Files in etc not marked as conffiles
spruce: 70412 72274 74636 76595 80089 80090 94088 104399 105921 107937
70412: serious: spruce_0.7.4-1(unstable): Missing build dependencies
72274: normal: Tools aren't included in Spruce 0.5.9
74636: normal: spruce crashes when viewing attachments
76595: grave: spruce crashes, creates "Temp3" mailbox
80089: grave: spruce crashes while trying to recreate mailbox index
80090: grave: spruce crashes while trying to recreate mailbox index
94088: serious: spruce: build-depends on non-main package
104399: important: dialog buttons not work (ok, cancel, apply... )
105921: wishlist: Configuring accounts is confusing
107937: important: spruce: spruce crashes when trying to open a local mbox or remote folder
tao: 78779 112755 166228
78779: wishlist: tao: A simple example would help
112755: serious: TAO Hello World program doesn't build on Woody
166228: wishlist: tao: new upstream, has ssl support, and might not be non-free anymore!
tao-doc: 132021
132021: important: tao-doc: html references tao's home page
xmysqladmin: 128005 141801
128005: normal: xmysqladmin: Grey text in textboxes
141801: grave: xmysqladmin crashes with a SIGSEGV immediatly after launching
Martin Michlmayr
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