Re: Mirroring virus databases
Quoting Fabian Fagerholm <>:
> In reference to bug #185043, I would like to propose that Debian mirror
> some important data that is updated by the upstream authors of some
> software. Examples are clamav, which the bug concerns, and other virus
> scanners that can have their data updated over the Internet.
> Debian could provide the infrastructure and maintainers wishing to
> provide this facility to their packages could then negotiate with
> upstream authors to determine if it is applicable in a particular case.
> I think this would be a great service to Debian users, and would give
> more credibility to free anti-virus software.
Preferably in it's own 'apt source directory' or perhaps in the security
archive(s). That way I don't have to run unstable/testing to get the updates.
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