Bug#184812: general: debhelper version ignored in testing migration
reassign 184812 ftp.debian.org
severity 184812 wishlist
merge 145257 184812
On Fri, Mar 14, 2003 at 04:57:43PM -0500, Mike Furr wrote:
> Package: general
> Version: N/A; reported 2003-03-14
> Severity: important
> [Since I don't see a 'testing' pseudo-bug, CC'ing -devel.]
> In playing around with rebuilding all of sarge, it seems that a bunch of
> packages were wrongly migrated to testing when they declared a versioned
> build dependency on debhelper. A quick search shows at least the following
> have a build-dep on a version of debhelper greater than the one currently
> in sarge:
Yes, the fact that the testing scripts don't consider build-depends was
brought up a while back. ISTR aj saying at the time that it wasn't
practical to do this for woody along with everything else but was being
considered for sarge.
Colin Watson [cjwatson@flatline.org.uk]
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