Bug#184847: ITP: irssi-icq -- ICQ plugin for irssi
Package: wnpp
Version: unavailable; reported 2003-03-15
Severity: wishlist
* Package name : irssi-icq
Version : 0.8.5 (cvs)
Upstream Author : Chistian Häggström <chm@c00.info>
* URL : http://real.irssi.org/files/plugins/icq/
* License : GPL
Description : ICQ plugin for irssi
Well, it's a small icq plugin for irssi. Seems to work fine, you can
logon, /msg and /query people and see which of your buddies are online.
I'm currently duplicating irssi-text's headers under the debian-
directory to make it build; hopefully this won't be necessary in the
future, see #184771.
I've decided to name the binary irssi-plugin-icq, does anybody (in
particular the irssi maintainer) object to this naming scheme?
-- System Information:
Debian Release: testing/unstable
Architecture: i386
Kernel: Linux blackbird.oase.mhn.de 2.4.19 #4 Sun Nov 3 22:30:45 CET 2002 i686
Locale: LANG=POSIX, LC_CTYPE=de_DE@euro
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