Re: Debian specific gpm brokenness
On Thu, 2003-03-13 at 11:49, Ron wrote:
> I've uploaded 1.20.1 .debs to people.d.o/~ron -- they aren't lintian
> clean (though no worse than the current package), and they will cause
> things like mc &c that use libgpm1, to stop accepting mouse input unless
> recompiled with it. (Though it won't prevent them from running without
> mouse support). They've also been tested a whole 5 minutes, so caveat
> emptor. -- they should however work for many people who gpm 'suddenly'
> stopped working for.
I'm testing the new gpm. Unlike gpm 1.19.6-12, this version
lacks the "fups2" protocol, so I switched to the "ps2" protocol.
At first it didn't work. I ran /etc/init.d/gpm restart twenty times
and on elevent of those occasions the mouse worked (I was able to
move the pointer around the console); on nine occasions it didn't.
Version 1.19.6-12 never failed on me.
I have a ThinkPad 600X with IBM TrackPoint.
A nit. I get this error message when I stop gpm when no gpm is running:
jdthood@thanatos:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/gpm stop
Stopping mouse interface server: gpmO0o.oops(): [gpn.c(158)]: Could not
open /var/run/
I get this message when I stop gpm when gpm is running:
jdthood@thanatos:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/gpm stop
Stopping mouse interface server: gpm*** info [gpn.c(176)]: Killed
Thomas Hood <>
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