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key signing party at penguicon?

There's a Linux expo/sci-fi convention going on in Warren Michigan May 2 through
4 ( http://penguicon.sourceforge.net/ ).  If any Debian Developers were going
and were willing to make their presence known, they could help out attending
prospective developers by signing their GnuPG keys for the Identity portion of
the application process. 

The reason I ask this is that the midwest is sparsely populated by DD's; I had
to go 4 hours to St. Louis to get my key signed.  This might help some people
out.  I (also a prospective DD) have had my key signed already, but I'd be happy
to coordinate the key signing party.  

Craig Steffen

current goal: use a CueCat scanner to inventory my books
career goal: be the first Vorlon Time Lord 

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