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Re: omni

Good Afternoon, all. I was curious about the same thing for the Lexmark drivers for Z23 through Z33 ColorJet printers (the Compaq IJ650 printer is just a remarked Lexmark Z33 with a USB interface. I'm sure that I'm not the only one with a Compaq IJ650 printer.). These are closed-source binary ghostscript 7.04 drivers. Should these go into non-free, and should I just create a script to download the drivers and install them (like what flashplugin preinst script does)? I want to prevent any legal issues of distribution by doing a simple wrapper script.

So, I wanted to make sure I got the dependencies corrects. I should only need to depend on ghostscript-aladdin (I believe that is 7.04), glibc (or would that be redundant?). Due to some of the lexmark Z-series printers only having USB interfaces, I think I should have usbmgr and usb-perms as suggested packages, not recommended. Any input on this is appreciated.


-- Derek J Witt, cappicard@cox.net.

Rafael Avila de Espíndola wrote:
I am working in building deb packages for the Omni printer drivers:
( http://www-124.ibm.com/developer/opensource/linux/projects/omni/)
Before making a ITP I would like to clarify some doubts:

1) Most part of Omni is LGPL, but it contains some drivers from Epson which are non-free. Should the same source package generate a free and a non-free package?

2) If 1 is true, how can I change the "copyright" file of the non-free package.

3)What are the appropriates names for the packages? What about omni, omni-dev and omni-non-free.


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