Re: gcc 3.2 epoch?
Colin Watson <> writes:
> Read the changelog:
> * Increase epoch due to wrong gpc and chill default version (closes: #163294).
Okay (sigh).
I wish there was some less-severe form of epoch that could operate only
for a limited period of time, so that random mistakes don't end up
increasing the epoch forever.
For instance (this is just a random idea), if there was a `version suffix'
that, like epochs, displayed only the suffix part in the various UIs,
but sorts after the base version, then you could have version sequences like:
-version- -displayed as-
good version 2.4.12 2.4.12
version with horrible bug 2.5.34 2.5.34
downgrade to good version 2.5.34::2.4.12 2.4.12
new version with bug fixed 2.5.35 2.5.35
well I'm sure this has been discussed to death in the past... sorry :-x
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