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Re: Menu code update (7/25)

On Jul 26, Denis Barbier wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 25, 2002 at 04:01:36PM -0500, Chris Lawrence wrote:
> [...]
> > parse_menus.py:
> > 
> >   Parses old-style menu files.  If executed from the command line, it
> >   will convert everything in /usr/lib/menu to the .desktop format and
> >   dump the converted files in /var/tmp/debmenu (you'll need to mkdir
> >   this first).
> Some menus are localized and need first to be converted into utf8, see
> e.g.  /usr/lib/menu/doc-base-doc-linux-fr
> It would be nice if your script did report an error message and continue
> processing.
> Apart from that it worked fine.

I didn't realize there were some already localized somehow.  What was
the output (or did it crash)?  I believe it assumes either ascii or
iso-8859-1 encoding for existing menu entries...

> Providing stats for translators to see which files need to be worked on
> is very helpful.  Unfortunately no robot (even written in python) is able
> to determine which values must be translated unless either
>   a. there is a fixed list of translatable keys, or
>   b. translatable keys are declared in every file, e.g.
>       X-Debian-L10n-Keys=Comment;Categories
>      or
>   c. translatable keys are marked by appending [C] to keys:
>         Categories[C]=Amusement;Application;
>      and keys without language attribute are treated as not translatable,
>      or
>   d. other ideas?

The only keys that are translatable are the ones marked as
LOCALESTRING (or LOCALIZED) in parse_menus.py; they are:

- Comment
- Name
- GenericName
- SwallowTitle

Categories are used by the menu system internally, and are not
displayed to the user, so they should not be localized.  Instead, the
desktop files (Office.directory, Games.directory, etc.) for each
"folder" of the hierarchy will be localized.  Of course, this will be
spelled out in the policy.

Thanks for your comments!

Chris Lawrence <cnlawren@olemiss.edu> - http://www.lordsutch.com/chris/

Instructor and Ph.D. Candidate, Political Science, Univ. of Mississippi
208 Deupree Hall - 662-915-5765

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