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Re: Free bigot flame burning, time to think.

Le jeu 14/11/2002 à 16:41, Osamu Aoki a écrit :

> I believe "Free and GNU are good, bigot of any kind is bad."

Maybe accusing people of bigotry is not a good way to start things. Your
propositions are reasonable, and the GR is reasonable too, so let's
discuss objectively the advantages and disadvantages. And don't forget
that removing non-free would have a strong ideological impact, being
ethically "good" for us but also giving a strong message that we can now
live without non-free software.

> I can live with some tighter restrictions:
>   (a)  non-free with serious bug should be removed from unstable/testing
>        unless it is fixed in 1 year. 
>   (b)  Orphaned package (more than a month or so.) shall be removed.  
>   (c)  Threshold may be more than 3 DD to initiate new non-free package
>   (d)  No FTBFS if it contains source and in this condition for a year.

It would also be acceptable (to my eyes) if we'd tighten the non-free
licensing guidelines. We should be able to maintain correctly the
non-free packages, which means having the source and the right to patch
it for bugfixes. We should also ensure that we have the right to
autobuild all the arch:any packages, which would solve the testing

 .''`.           Josselin Mouette        /\./\
: :' :           josselin.mouette@ens-lyon.org
`. `'                        joss@debian.org
  `-  Debian GNU/Linux -- The power of freedom

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