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Re: dpkg-source v2

On Wed, 2002-10-09 at 14:13, Anthony Towns wrote:

> No, not really. *shrug*

Well, I don't really want to give up that easily.  I am sure we can come
to a rough consensus.  As far as I can see, at this point, the only
thing we are really discussing is whether patches should be in their own
toplevel .tar in the .dsc, or just secreted in debian/patches.  Let's
look at the advantages and disadvantages of the two different
approaches.  I may have missed something, so please mention it if I did.

* aj format
 - dpkg-source v2 would sort of be a "superset" of v1
 - Separate diffs would be a bit tricky to manipulate

* walters format
  - Fairly simple to understand
  - Would support adding binary files to packages in all forms
  - grepping through a package source would sometimes turn up hits in
debian/patches, if you weren't careful to exclude the debian/ dir.

Now, I think looking at diffs is going to be a very common operation. 
It's something that will happen when you're upgrading a package to a new
upstream version, and if you want to add a patch.  Anything that makes
that more difficult is a bad thing.  Obviously it's not horrible to have
to unpack a tarball to a temporary directory, drop a file in there, then
repack it, but why go through all that trouble if you don't have to?

As for the "grep disadvantage" of my format, I think that's not really
an issue.  I mean, if you just want to grep through just the upstream
source, you should exclude the whole debian/ directory anyways.  After
all, function names and variables could often be in debian/changelog

And the "superset" thing isn't important from an implementation point of
view, and can actually be bad from a user point of view; we'd want the
two formats to be clearly distinguishable.

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