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Re: Where is old "info su" which had RMS comment ??


It looks like woody had famous "su" page.

Currently, testing shellutils does not but I did not install coreutils.

Looks like I hit bump ofmoving to coreutils.

Thanks all.

On Wed, Sep 25, 2002 at 08:42:38PM -0600, Adam Conrad wrote:
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Osamu Aoki [mailto:nospam@aokiconsulting.com] On Behalf 
> > 
> > Your changelog entry say you removed it.(i386)  I am confused 
> > with your comment.  You must be right since you are the maintainer but
> > that is not what I see here.  
> "info coreutils su"


> > If I do "info su", manual page comes out (testing machine).
> That's because "info su" is getting you the docs for the shadow su.  You
> know, the "su" that's actually on your system. :)

Since I have not installed coreutils, it is not in my system yet.

> >   * no more info file! (coreutils.info resides in fileutils for
> >     now. I'll deal with this more elegantly in a future release.)
> "No more separate info files" is probably what this should say.  They
> all got squished together in one large coreutils info file.  Which is
> fine now that coreutils itself is all in one package too.

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