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Re: Bug#162211: chown: 'man': invalid user -- man-db should create man user if it's missing.

Previously tony mancill wrote:
> FWIW, I agree with Colin on this point.  The package should be able to
> depend on the usernames provided by base-passwd.

I'm working on changing that actually. base-passwd will not create as
many users initially, and packages can request that a user be created.
base-passwd will then figure out how to do that (pick a range, check
if it should be a static uid, etc.).

> That being said, perhaps base-passwd could stuff a bit more information
> into to comment field for "distribution-managed" accounts in order to make
> things a bit more self-documenting.  (And therefore easier for sercurity
> conscious admins who may be paring down the cruft in /etc/passwd...)

The new code has more extensive documentation.


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