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Debian archives


I'm just an interested bystander, not a dd (yet). Following the
discussions on creating a 'candidate', I see that I don't know enough of
the current situation to understand half of the arguments.

So, please somebody complete/correct my worldview.

	not autobuilt
	no automatical propagation to anywhere
	not in ftp.debian.org/debian/dists
	autopropagation to testing
	Kinda like unstable, but pkgs are (auto???) built against
	testing? What kind of things do people put here?
	Auto-propagation to testing in discussion?
	pkgs come in from unstable, without being rebuilt
	This is frozen before releases.
	things people would like to see in stable point release
	the former frozen testing + lots of work

And, security.debian.org is somehow parallel to this namespace,
maintained by the security team (and they do a great work. Thanks!). Why
is it not 'just' another archive testing-security and stable-security?
And, there seems to be some packages appearing in testing security
updates - I thought there was officially no support? So, should I
include security.d.o/../testing and testing-p-u on my (mostly) testing
system sources.list?

Not in this list are of course the alpha packages archives people set
up, like kde3 or XF4.2, and those of other organisations/companies
(ximian, blackdown). There seems not to be any comprehensive list of
what exists - the one I had an URL a few weeks ago has not been updated
in a long while.

Thanks & cheers
-- vbi

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