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Issue with imposing locales through preconfigured debconf


I do the following operations:

   apt-get --assume-yes remove locales
   apt-get --assume-yes --download-only install locales

   cp /var/cache/debconf/config.dat /var/cache/debconf/config.data-ORIG-1
   apt-extracttemplates /var/cache/apt/archives/locales*.deb \
      | awk '{ if ($1 != "Check") {
                  system(sprintf("debconf-loadtemplate %s %s", $1, $2));
   cp /var/cache/debconf/config.dat /var/cache/debconf/config.data-ORIG-2

   awk < /tmp/debconf > /tmp/debconf-communicate \
   '{ if (NF == 2) {
         if ($1 != $2) {
            printf "unregister %s\n", $2;
      else {
         if ($1 != $2) {
            printf "register %s %s\n", $1, $2;

         printf "set "; for (i = 2; i <= NF; i++) { printf "%s ", $i; };
         printf "\n";
         printf "fset %s isdefault false\n", $2;
   debconf-communicate < /tmp/debconf-communicate

   cp /var/cache/debconf/config.dat /var/cache/debconf/config.data-ORIG-3

   apt-get install locales

   cp /var/cache/debconf/config.dat /var/cache/debconf/config.data-ORIG-4

However, the configuration I set in ORIG-3 is then erased in ORIG-4:

< Value: fr_CH
> Value: Leave alone
< Value: fr_CH ISO-8859-1
> Value: 

where /tmp/debconf is:   
locales/locales_to_be_generated locales/locales_to_be_generated fr_CH ISO-8859-1
locales/default_environment_locale locales/default_environment_locale fr_CH

unfortunately, the value is then overwritten at locales installation time.

What am I doing wrong ?  Any idea ?  My goal is -- obviously -- to be able
to preconfigure packages for an automatic installation.

Thank your for any idea.

(I have set debconf's level to critical, that's why I am not asked).

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