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Why is my latest upload marked as a NMU?


obviously I did something wrong as my latest upload
of fdutils was marked as a NMU.  I guess that this
was caused by the following mismatch between
"Jochen Voss <voss@debian.org>" and "voss@debian.org".

    Subject: Fixed in NMU of fdutils 5.4-20020222-3
    From: Jochen Voss <voss@debian.org>
    To: control@bugs.debian.org
    Cc: Jochen Voss <voss@debian.org>, voss@debian.org


    Maintainer: voss@debian.org
    Changed-By: Jochen Voss <voss@debian.org>

Is this guess correct?  Where do the to addresses come
from.  I guess that Maintainer comes from the control file.
But is Changed-By from the gpg-key or from the changelog or ...

Slightly confused,

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