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Re: [gildor: Re: Bug#149354: RFP: mtink -- status monitor for epson inkjet printer]

#include <hallo.h>
Sylvain LE GALL wrote on Fri Jun 28, 2002 um 11:03:01AM:

> I am also looking for a sponsor. I have package mtink and the .deb is
> lintian clean. 
> If anyone is interested in mtink, i can send hime the package. I really
> like to have it uploaded on debian mirror ( as far as it was a RFP ). 

I am, please send your diff file.

* Das Verhalten von Gates hatte mir bewiesen, dass ich auf ihn und seine
  beiden Gefaehrten nicht rechnen durfte.
                                                  Karl May, Winnetou Bd. 3

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