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Re: Get rid of /etc/mtab ?

On Fri, 28 Jun 2002, Martijn van Oosterhout wrote:

> > It's a valid complaint.  The duplication of similar information is bad,
> > and /etc/mtab is cleaner as a symlink.  I would like to see the additional
> > information in /etc/mtab put into /proc/mounts too, though I appreciate
> > it's difficult (since the kernel does not know about these extra bits of
> > information; it's all handled in userspace by mount/umount).
> Duplication of similar information? I don't see it that way. /proc/mounts is
> from the kernel's point of view. /etc/mtab is from the user's point of view.
> The current setup means that new features can be easily added to
> mount/umount without modifying the kernel. 

OK, then let's get it out of /etc.  Don't scream historical precedent, I
know all the arguments.  Nobody's going to find it, which vaguely defined
part of /var do we put it in, etc.  But if we're going on a symlink spree,
let's put it somewhere inherently variable so we can move towards the holy
grail - root mounted RO.

Oops, tripped another holy-war button.  I'll run away now.

#include <disclaimer.h>
Matthew Palmer, Geek In Residence

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