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Bug#151147: ITP: phpgroupware-packages -- The phpGroupWare packaging utilities.

Package: wnpp
Version: N/A; reported 2002-06-27
Severity: wishlist

* Package name    : phpgroupware-packages
  Version         : 0.1
  Upstream Author : Luca - De Whiskey's - De Vitis <luca@debian.org>
* URL             : Not yet available.
* License         : GPL
  Description     : The phpGroupWare packaging utilities.

 This package provides some facilities to checkout the phpGroupWare source from
 the cvs repository and build as many packages formats as possible.
 Formats includes:

  - tar.gz:     Gzip compressed tar archive.
  - tar.bz2:    Bzip2 compressed tar archive.
  - deb:        Dpkg package format (i.e. Debian).
  - rpm:        [1] RPM package format (i.e. RedHat).
  - slp:        [1] SLP package format (i.e. Stampede).
  - tgz:        [1] TGZ package format (i.e. Slackware).

  Other packages formats available:

  - core:           Not really a format: build core-$(VERSION).tar.gz and
  - orig.tar.gz:    Gzip Compressed archive used to build official Debian
  - pkg:            [1] Solaris package format. Cannot build this one since
                    we miss Solaris specific tools (pkginfo, pkgtrans). I've
                    included it anyway: just incase...

  [1] Package is of an alien type. This means there is no one who care the
  building of this package format. To build it I use the alien(1) command.

I need to inject the deian directory inside each module first.
Q: Is there a way to document perl code using something like pod, whith
internationalizzation support?

-- System Information
Debian Release: 3.0
Architecture: i386
Kernel: Linux darkness 2.4.16-darkness #1 Tue Nov 27 12:43:04 CET 2001 i686
Locale: LANG=C, LC_CTYPE=C (ignored: LC_ALL set)

-- no debconf information

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