1 CD Woody install, GDM and XFree configuration problem
OK, I recently installed Woody from a single CD on my neighbor's machine.
This was a CD from late April, so maybe some of this has been fixed.
First problem was no servers for X on the CD. This makes the single CD
install for machines not-net-connected must wait for an X server 'til
GDM was installed along with many fine GNOME programs, none of which will
work until you can get a server running...
So, I toasted a CD with the xserver-common and xserver-xfree86 packages,
took it next door, and we installed them.
Next we ran dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86 until we got mode lines and
mouse protocols that would work with the provided hardware (/dev/psaux and
MouseManPS/2). The mode lines took several tries, but we finally got
something to work, saved the config-4 file and played around with GNOME a
Upon rebooting the machine, GDM failed to successfully start the server,
complaining that it could not open /dev/psaux! Nothing changed that I
could see, but it appears that GDM re-wrote some of the entries in the
config file, most notably the vertical and horizontal refresh rates.
At this point, no amount of dpkg-reconfigure got us a working system, and
we gave up and went back to working on other problems...
The only thing I can even think of, as a debugging effort, would be to
install WDM, and see if there is similar problems. But that will have to
wait for next weekend ;-)
Any pointers welcome,
_-_-_-_-_- Author of "Dwarf's Guide to Debian GNU/Linux" _-_-_-_-_-_-
_- _-
_- aka Dale Scheetz Phone: 1 (850) 656-9769 _-
_- Flexible Software 11000 McCrackin Road _-
_- e-mail: dwarf@polaris.net Tallahassee, FL 32308 _-
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_-_-_-_-_- Released under the GNU Free Documentation License _-_-_-_-
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