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Bug#150914: [ITP]: libapache-mod-encoding -- Apache module for non-ascii filename interoperability

Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist

* Package name    : libapache-mod-encoding
  Version         : 0.0.20020611a
  Upstream Author : Taisuke Yamada  <tai@iij.ad.jp>
                    Kunio Miyamoto  <wakatono@todo.gr.jp>
                    Akira YOSHIYAMA <yosshy@debian.or.jp>
                    azuhiko Iwama   <iwama@ymc.ne.jp>
                    WAMURO Motonori <iwa@mmp.fujitsu.co.jp>
* URL             : http://webdav.todo.gr.jp/download/ (Japanese)
* License         : Apache's
  Description     : Apache module for non-ascii filename interoperability

-- from README --

This module improves non-ascii filename interoperability of
apache (and mod_dav).

It seems many WebDAV clients send filename in its platform-local
encoding. But since mod_dav expects everything, even HTTP request
line, to be in UTF-8, this causes an interoperability problem.

I believe this is a future issue for specification (RFC?) to
standardize encoding used in HTTP request-line and HTTP header,
but life would be much easier if mod_dav (and others) can handle
various encodings sent by clients, TODAY. This module does just that.

Tatsuki Sugiura   mailto:sugi@nemui.org

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