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Re: howto disassemble a deb package, and reassemble after making some changes?

On Mon, Jun 24, 2002 at 04:44:04PM -0400, Walter Tautz wrote:
> I have some debs that I am converting from rpms but they
> don't quite do what I want. Moreover, I would like to use
> a tool like checkinstall (http://asic-linux.com.mx/~izto/checkinstall/)
> in creating some initial deb packages that I might later want to
> tweak.  Any thoughts? References
> I should be reading? 

deb is ar archive. So simple ar x name-of-archive.deb gives you three files
control.tar.gz, data.tar.gz and debian-binary. control.tar.gz consist of
"private" files. You probably want files from data.tar.gz


                  Just a perfect day, feed animals in the zoo
                     Then later a movie too, and then home

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