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Re: graphical apt, trials and tribulations

On 23 May 2002, Seth Nickell wrote:

> But right now I'm more interested in ideas people have about allowing
> dpkg to be split into a libdpkg that gives feedback as it installs and a
> dpkg command-line frontend (much as the split between libapt-pkg and
> apt-get happens today). This is really critical to providing the user
> with feedback during the install process. Right now we get nice feedback
> as the packages are downloading and during setup to some extent, but
> almost no feedback while the (potentially rather long) dpkg process
> itself is occurring. I just say "Installing packages", but you really
> should tell the user more for such a long operation.

There will be no libdpkg.  Use libapt-pkg.

I(a dpkg developer) have plans to make it possible to programatically drive
dpkg.  I've talked with Jason Gunthorpe(apt author) about what he wants.  I
may not have it implemented for dpkg 1.10(currently sitting in cvs HEAD), but
will definately have it for 1.11.

Additionally, there is already a dpkg --status-fd option(been there for quite
a bit).  However, the format of that output leaves much to be desired.

The --command-fd listed in dpkg's help is currently disabled in the code.

ps: I'm currently attempting to address several usability issues with dpkg for
  * Fixing dpkg -S, so that it can handle symlinked top-level directories, and
the like(this fixes hurd's dpkg-shlibdeps problems).
  * Fixing the speed of dpkg -S.
  * New features that would allow debconf to not call foo.config and
    foo.postinst directly.

I may try to sneak in the above mentioned features needed by apt.  Depends on

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