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Re: Best Packaging Practices, act II

> > * Managing multiple patches
> >   - dbs package
> >   - hello-dbs is an example
> >   - is there another tool that doesn't require to provide a tar archive
> >     in the source package ?
> The aumix package (2.7-19 and higher) handles this quite nicely.

>   PATCHES:=$(shell cd debian/diffs && ls *.patch)

Several different systems / versions of this build-style are floating
around, with different features... i guess it's called "dpatch"
The one i've used for the galeon package uses a list file in
debian/patches where one can specify a certain order for the patches du
be applied (that definitely is a plus vs. your simple ls!)

Furthermore these patches do NOT need to be diff's which comes in _very_
handy for me with my experimental galeon-snapshot packages as i can use
perl or sed to replace a string completely...

I like this build style _very_ much, and can't await when we can use
just two tarballs for building (one upstream, one for the debian/ dir,
that's all i need) ;)

It's just a few lines in the debian/rules file.


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