Bug#147968: ITP: gnustep-guile -- A GNUstep Interface to Guile (and vice versa)
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
gnustep-guile is the scripting framework for GNUstep. It allows Guile
developers to write GNUstep programs, and GNUstep programmers to
extend their applications with Guile. As the gnustep.org Web site
states, gnustep-guile "enhance[s] GNUstep to be scriptable making it
even more dynamic and superior."
gnustep-guile is a part of the GNUstep system. It is copyrighted by
the Free Software Foundation, and available under the GPL.
A (very old) version of this package can be found as gstep-guile0 in
potato. gstep-guile0 was left out in the revamping of the GNUstep
packages, and gnustep-guile will step in (ha ha step) to take its
Evan Prodromou
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