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Re: Granual release proposal

#include <hallo.h>
Andrew Lenharth wrote on Thu May 23, 2002 um 03:30:52PM:
> Preface: I can see the flames forming now, and this proposal is far
> from perfect, but it is a start.

And is not a new one, this was raised on debianplanet, IIRC. Whatever,
it sounds good.

> Problems seeking solutions:
> 1. The whole distribution must stablize at once.
> 2. Freeze time caused by 1
> 3. new upstreams can take over a year to make it to stable, see 1
> 4. no modularity

5. Bureacracy
6. Not enough transparency
6. Not enough people wanting to manage or work in task forces

> Solution:
> Now that we have package pools, we can revise the release process
> without large effects on archive size.  I would propose creating new
> sections for major subsystems.  Major groups of packages in their own
> section can then be stablized as a section (against the current stable
> base) and released.  Since most of the time the testing and stable
> branches of a section are both compiled against the current stable
> base, users should be able to follow testing for only those section
> they are interested in.
> I could see the following sections being useful (by no means exhastive):
> base, xwindows, kde, gnome, network, dev, sound, misc.

There is not xwindowS! My proposal:

base (most of base)
baselibs (often used libs)
xlibs (libs often used for X applications, toolkits etc.)
extralibs (other libraries, ie. for multimedia and special things)
xapps (misc. X applications)
netserv (primarily server daemons)
netapps (this includes applications from mail and news sections)
media (multimedia programs, sound editors, etc.)

We would need the 4-trees scheme: stable, working, testing, unstable.

Unstable would be real unstable
Testing would be for merging sections and testing before going to working
Working would be the release candidate, the last stage before a new

> All sections would normally be being compiled agaist the current
> stable base.  When a section is ready to be release (that section's
> testing meets release criteria and the maintainers of packages there
> feel it is ready), its packages are moved into that section's stable.

We should allow other sections to provide updated versions of libraries.
For example, if gnome section needs gtk-1.2.17 instead of gtk-1.2.12
(latest in stable libs section), it should be temporarily be uploaded to
the gnome section.

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