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Re: A prescription for release anxiety

Exactly. I don't think users really understand what goes into getting all this stuff ready. Before I joined the devel/maintainer team, I know I did not. This is my first release and I'm getting to see it from the inside out for a change. Now that *I* have a bird's eye view from the inside, my ideas regarding things have drastically changed. I've been involved once before from the inside with Red Hat when i worked for them, but still from an observer's point of view since I was there to support the distribution not design it. 

To sooth the nerves of users, adding a blurb that the latest and greatest (aka KDE3, X11 4.2, ect ect) came out a little too late to do effective testing and that this does not mean they won;t be introduced shortly after the release though they won;t be able to be tested thoroughly enough to comply with Debian's guidelines for the release date should be enough to take care of those aches and pains for the general user.

Putting forward something like what I wrote for the user would go a long way to at least giving them some sort of idea of what's involved. Most users are not so antsy that if they are given something they can relate to to understand the "problem" (not that their is one for us, jsut them from lack of knowledge of the process) they usually are more willing to sit back and let the developers do their jobs. As you said, they're just antsy.

On Sat, May 18, 2002 at 08:36:34PM +1000, Mark Purcell woke up, and decided to spew forth:
> Hash: SHA1
> David D.W. Downey wrote:
> Thanks David,
> This is exactly the sort of thing we need to be pushing. 
> Woody, XFree4.2 and KDE3, ... are all candates for 'release anxiety cure'...
> Mark
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David D.W. Downey <david-downey@codecastle.com>
Upstream - libpam-pgsql.codecastle.com
Debian - Woody: 0.5.2-3 Sid: 0.5.2-5
State - bugs.debian.org/libpam-pgsql
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		Deloris Clayborn

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