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Re: new draft release announcement

On Mon, 2002-04-29 at 07:52, Sean Middleditch wrote:
> First, I don't want to start an argument... just gather opinions, mostly
> because I'm bored.  ^,^  Is Debian really unique among GNU/Linux
> distros, or is it the only GNU/Linux distro?  All the other popular
> distros are rather quite non-GNU, since they include (by default) loads
> of non-Free software... many of them even depend on that software being
> installed (SuSE, Open Linux, maybe Redhat).  Does that not make them a
> proprietary Linux system with GNU roots?

Red Hat used to have a distribution called "Red Hat Means Source" (RMS)
that was all free software. There's all the source distributions
(Gentoo, Sorcery, Sorcery GNU/Linux, more I'm forgetting) that have to
be primarily free software since you compile it all yourself. Finally,
I'm sure there's a lot more at http://lwn.net/Distributions/ - there's
more distributions than most peole think. :)
 - Joe Wreschnig <piman@sacredchao.net>  -  http://www.sacredchao.net
  "What I did was justified because I had a policy of my own... It's
   okay to be different, to not conform to society."
                                   -- Chen Kenichi, Iron Chef Chinese

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