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working to put mplayer in Debian

hi everybody

It seems that there is a lot of hype [1]  about mplayer being now GPL,
and a possible inclusion of mplayer in Debian; moreover
the latest mplayer has 'runtime cpu detection' so it does not
(necessarily [2]) need to be packaged for all different i386 CPUs;

and indeed  Dariush Pietrzak, which cares for the mplayer debian/*
files upstream, is working on a complete GPL packaging 
of mplayer and related components;

unfortunately it turned out yesterday that there are
non-GPL bits of code around, so don't hold your breath;
as soon as the packages are ready, I will sponsor the upload to Debian.



[1] http://slashdot.org/articles/02/04/23/224203.shtml?tid=167
[2] http://mplayerhq.hu/pipermail/mplayer-dev-eng/2002-April/007161.html

Andrea Mennucc
 "E' un mondo difficile. Che vita intensa!" (Renato Carotone)

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