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Re: Bug#141847: O: dupload -- Utility to upload Debian packages.

Colin Watson wrote:
> The implementation language really does make a difference in the case of
> dupload and dput, since it affects their configuration languages.

There exist perl modules to parse files more or less identical to dput's
configuration file[1]. Heck, it should take about 5 lines of code to
roll your own. Going the other way would indeed by somewhat harder. :-)

FWIW, I have been using dupload for ages and ages. I tried dput when it
first came out, and found it couldn't begin to meet my needs[2]. I filed a
bunch of bug reports, tried it again a bit later and filed more bug
reports, and gave up on it. I tried it again last night, and it's all
the way there for me, and it was easy to drop dupload in its favor.
Especailly since dupload has well-known, never fixed bugs like #85779.

Those like me who've been avoiding dput because of bad first impressions
or inertia will find it's well past time for a second or third look at

see shy jo

[1] Unless someone actually tries to embed arbitrary pthon in it.
[2] I upload everything twice, to two locations and have some post-upload
    hooks and stuff like that.

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