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Re: Subversion packages

Quoting Marcelo E. Magallon (mmagallo@debian.org):

>     http://people.debian.org/~mmagallo/packages/subversion/

Much appreciated!! But I have two things:

	1) that directory isn't apt-gettable, the Packages.gz file is
	   missing... try "deb http://people.debian.org/~ssmeenk/ ./" for 
	   an aptable version :)
	2) subversion-{server,client} depends on apache2-modules, but the
	   newly released apache2 packages by thom do not provide
	   apache2-modules, they are somewhere in the apache2 package.
	   You can safely --force-depends install the packages though...

Now let's lart Thom for compiling apache2 against libdb3, instead of 
libdb4, which renders subversion unusable :)


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