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Re: updating /etc/hosts on ifup...

Previously Mark Eichin wrote:
> actually, I'm not sure one wants to do this as part of ifup at all,
> but instead *specifically* as a dhcp hook.

Not specially dhcp, you want to be able to use the exact same hook
for ppp as well.

You might want to take a look at
http://people.debian.org/~wakkerma/dhcp.tar.gz, which is going to
be the setup for all my systems. I am replacing /etc/dhclient-script
with a simple run-parts call over /etc/dhcp.d, which is filled with
little scripts that do the various bits of (re)configuring my system.

It is completely trivial to extend to configure things like ntp
servers, smtp smarthosts, proxy servers, wins server, etc. etc.
as well. I've done that already but need to clean those extra
scripts up a bit before I'm willing to put them online.

The effect is cool though: the result is a simple system which can
completely reconfigure your box for whatever environment it is in.


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