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Bug reports closed by spammers

I don't know if this was reported publicly already, but this is the second
of my bugreports that get closed by a spam message - I had already reported
the previous one to owner@bugs.

Not sure how we can scan the BTS DB for such closed bugs that possibly went
unnoticed.  Anyway, this really sucks.

----- Forwarded message from Debian Bug Tracking System <owner@bugs.debian.org> -----

From: owner@bugs.debian.org (Debian Bug Tracking System)
To: Yann Dirson <dirson@debian.org>
Subject: Bug#21928 acknowledged by developer
         (Burn Movies on DVD)
X-Debian-PR-Message: they-closed 21928
Reply-To: 21928@bugs.debian.org

This is an automatic notification regarding your Bug report
#21928: jka-compr: should not gzip already gzip'ed data when saving,
which was filed against the emacs20 package.

It has been closed by one of the developers, namely
"" <sara@webmasterdirect.org> (reply to sara@webmasterdirect.org).

Their explanation is attached below.  If this explanation is
unsatisfactory and you have not received a better one in a separate
message then please contact the developer, by replying to this email.

Debian bug tracking system administrator
(administrator, Debian Bugs database)

Received: (at 21928-done) by bugs.debian.org; 11 Feb 2002 11:34:50 +0000
>From sara@webmasterdirect.org Mon Feb 11 05:34:50 2002
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 Mon, 11 Feb 2002 19:58:46 +0900
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From: "" <sara@webmasterdirect.org>
Reply-to: sara@webmasterdirect.org
Subject: Burn Movies on DVD
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[spam content suppressed]


----- End forwarded message -----

Yann Dirson    <ydirson@altern.org> |    Why make M$-Bill richer & richer ?
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