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Re: Spam (Re: Urgent Investment)

On Sat, Jan 26, 2002 at 01:51:26PM -0800, Will Lowe wrote:
> > The only measure that seems to work is restricting list postings to
> > subscribers only.  Unfortunately, this is also a major inconvenience for
> > those who use the list legitimately.
> People have been saying this for years.  *How* is it inconvienient,
> though?

It means people cannot post to this list unless they are subscribed.
Which means a lot of legitimate posts from outsiders (like upstream
authors, representatives of various spec/standards organizations, etc.)
would be lost.

Come on, it's only a few pieces every so often. It's not like it takes
all that much effort to delete it. Actually a lot less effort than
typing the email you just sent, which could have deleted some 73 spam
emails (and I'm not even including the shift key you had to hit for the
*, ? and capital letters).


/       Ben Collins    --    Debian GNU/Linux    --    WatchGuard.com      \
`          bcollins@debian.org   --   Ben.Collins@watchguard.com           '

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