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Re: Do not link GNOME1 apps with libpng3

On Thu, Jan 10, 2002 at 09:16:30PM -0500, Steve M. Robbins wrote:

> Moreover, nobody has produced a compelling reason to make the
> switch other than "libpng3 is newer than libpng2".

I have one, but I won't present it, because I think there are more
compelling reasons NOT to switch.  I say this based on my experience
upgrading an app from libpng1 to libpng2, and what I learned during
that adventure:

* libpng1 had a rather low-level API, with direct access to many
  internal structures.
* libpng2 introduced a new API, but kept partial compatibility with
  the old API.
* libpng3 was supposed to have dropped the old API.  (I haven't
  checked for sure, but I can't imagine any reason they would have
  done otherwise.)

This means that programs which worked with libpng2 may not compile
with libpng3.  (Or, in some circumstances, they might compile, but not
work, which is what happened to me with the libpng2 transition.)

> In the absence of such, leaving imlib1 linked with libpng2 seems to
> me to be the wisest course of action, *especially* during a freeze.

Very much so, yes.

Chris Waters           |  Pneumonoultra-        osis is too long
xtifr@debian.org       |  microscopicsilico-    to fit into a single
or xtifr@speakeasy.net |  volcaniconi-          standalone haiku

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