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Re: exploring debian's users and groups

On Tue, 7 Aug 2001, Joey Hess wrote:


> > > www-data:
> > > 
> > > 	HELP: Er, I should know this, but this box doesn't run apache and
> > > 	      I'm offline.
> > 
> > Used by apache as the user/group, typically is the user/group that
> > owns web content.
> Apache runs as user/group www-data, so I think you *don't* want www-data
> to own web content, or yout apache server could mess with it if
> compromised.
> So why does apache use www-data instead of say, nobody? Ah, I'll bet
> it's so that any data apache writes out, like log files, are owned by a
> non-nobody user. Yes, that's it.

No, it's not. If you use the HTTP protocol to update the contents of your
webservers like using WebDAV your web content _must_ be owned by the same 
user apache runs as. And any files you upload will be created with the
servers group unless you change the group of your document root and all
directories below to something else and set the setgid bit on them.

As all current clients, whether Linux or M$, support TLS/SSL, and you can
use the standard apache access control mechanisms, I think this is more
secure than any other popular method used to administer web content.
Unless of course as the sysadmin you do it all by yourself.

Manfred Wassmann
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