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Re: [OT] lazy maintainers

On 8 Aug 2001, Jared Johnson wrote:

> On 08 Aug 2001 01:42:10 -0800, Ethan Benson wrote:
> > refusing to maintain a package, and refusing to let anyone else help
> > is one of the more evil evil things a debian developer can do.
> Refusing to upload a package is not the same thing as refusing to
> maintain a package.  myth is not uploading the package.  you can't make
> him.

Yes we can.

*Please* remember that sid is there to be broken. People were disappointed 
when Sam Hartman fsck'ed up PAM, but nobody said he was a bad 
maintainer. After all, when using sid, it's not abnormal to end up with a
broken system.

If mozilla would be very important for a system to run, then I would
understand this lack of updates.

> in other news, i don't think the non-US deal is entering into it
> anymore.  I believe that myth is probably just continuing to hack on the
> package and doesn't want to upload something sub-optimal into debian.

Why not? After all, that's what sid is for!

> Even if you think you can do better, which you can't, it's not your
> package, it's his.


That rule is stated in policy, yes, but it's not absolute. If people do a
bad job maintaining their packages, it doesn't count. Sorry.

> As a few have pointed out, none of the things which
> everyone complains about has actually affected a release of Debian yet.
> Despite the convenience of testing/unstable, the main goal of a package
> maintainer is to actually make a good release of Debian happen, not to
> make bleeding-edgers happy.

Sid *is* bleeding edge. Never forget that.

Besides: uploading a suboptimal package has advantages in that you
immediately find bugs in your package. If you don't, you get like 40
bugreports at a time, which is annoying.

Especially if you don't fix 'em immediately, since users tend to yell at
you, then.

> "Assume" makes an "ass" out of "u" and "me".  Don't assume that because
> there's a slightly long-ish delay now,

"slightly long-ish"?

*Pa-lease*! It's been about over a month! It's got one grave bug, and 
three serious! That's not "slightly long-ish", that's extremely long.

If your package is bug-free, you're welcome to wait a month or longer 
to update it. If the bug is damn hard to fix, you're welcome to ask 
upstream for help and wait for a year or so to fix it. But if there's 
errors in *your* wrapper-scripts that load the browser, or if there's 
errors in *your* maintainer-scripts that install it, I expect a fixed 
version ASAP.

And no, I refuse to accept that it takes over a month to fix errors in

*That* is called "lousy maintaining".

Not even mentioning the 8 normal bugs and the wishlist-bugs...

> As I mentioned,
> it would appear that the issues which held up post-M18 releases are now
> non-issues.  If you want to find out what the issues are, perhaps you
> should diplomatically approach myth in private.  If he doesn't answer
> you, perhaps it's because you and a hundred other people are insulting
> him, so perhaps you should go find something more productive to do.

perhaps he should. I'm sorry, I don't even use mozilla (since my system
can't handle it -- a P166), but this is simply bad work.

> > sorry but that is rediculous.  NMU mozilla.
> This would be decidedly more ridiculous.  The current situation is not
> really anywhere near ridiculous.  Everything that embeds mozilla is
> still happy with 0.9.1, and people are now able to use all the key
> features in mozilla.  Mozilla 0.9.3 is a point release, folks, it'll
> make things go kinda faster or something.  If you want it so badly, go
> get the unofficial packages that are widely available.  Don't complain
> that the delay is hurting Debian development, because it's not, and
> everyone's ignorant and pointless complaining is probably hurting Debian
> more in that it makes a hard working debian developer (Myth) wish he had
> never thought about maintaining mozilla and it fills up folks' mailboxes
> with clueless, cynical, half-witted attempts at slander.

If he's a hard working DD, which I will not deny, why is it that hard to
upload newer packages that fix grave and serious bugs?

wouter dot verhelst at advalvas dot be

"Human knowledge belongs to the world"
  -- from the movie "Antitrust"

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