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Re: evolution 0.9-1 completely broken?

On 22.03.01 at 20:30:39 xsdg wrote:
> Hi.  I recently started evolution 0.8 again (hadn't run it in ~1-2 weeks), 
> and was surprised to find that none of the helper apps appeared to be working.

I fail to see how this is a real development related issue. You have a
problem with this software in early beta phase? Wait, or file bugs, or
try the Ximian nightly builds or whatever, but don't put it on

Another thing that bothers me to no end is that you seem to be unable to
configure your system such as to adhere to Netiquette. Or do you have
real concerns which prohibit you from using your real name? I'm sorry if
Xsdg in fact _is_ your complete real name, no offence meant.


|=| Michael Piefel                    piefel@informatik.hu-berlin.de
|=| Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin              http://www.piefel.de
|=| Tel. (+49 30) 2093 3831

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