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Re: libnss-ldap breaks gdm and screen saver?

On Sat, Feb 24, 2001 at 03:08:44PM +1100, Brian May wrote:

> Almost all programs seem to work fine: including id, mgetty, finger.
> xscreensaver works fine (authentication is with libpam_unix). but
> for some reason it displays the user id as "???".
> gdm does not work at all. It does not let me log in, nor can I see
> any errors in /var/log/auth.log
> If I put the entry back in /etc/passwd, everything works fine again.
> Can I conclude that neither gdm nor xscreensaver support the NSS
> functions in libc6, but instead directly extract the information from
> /etc/passwd?

A quick look at the source will show that that is not true.  Both gdm and
xscreensaver use PAM (you said so about xscreensaver yourself).  If non-PAM
programs work OK, the problem probably has something to do with PAM.  Check
/etc/pam.d/* and see if anything looks funny, or what is different between
things that work and things that don't.  Use a little perl proglet to
convince yourself that libc is OK:

perl -e 'print join " ",getpwnam("mdz"), "\n"'

libpam0g-dev has some examples in /usr/share/doc/libpam0g-dev/examples that may
help you figure out what is going on with PAM.

 - mdz

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