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Re: package lists for older machines

On Tue, Dec 18, 2001 at 02:21:43PM -0500, J. Tang wrote:
> Thus, there ought to be a database for "Debian lite" -- only those
> packages that would make sense on a slower machine.  For example, this
> list would not have any of the mp3, DVD, kde, or gnome packages.  It
> think this would be an extremely useful addition to the Debian system.
> What are your thoughts on the feasibility of this?

I know a few people who would make use of this, were it implemented
- myself included; however, it would necessarily require rather a lot of
work. The processing time saved (say, 2 minutes per day to be generous)
would not seem to outweigh the hours of implementation.

If there are a sufficient number of people who want this, though, and
it is judged worthwhile, I volunteer to help with the effort.

#  _  _ . .|  _ _ ._ ._  _ ._  space software lab    #
# |_)(_||_|| (_(_|| || |(_)| | utah state university #
# |                                                  #
#   software developer at large                      #
#   info: http://ssl.usu.edu/paul/                   #
#   email: paul@cannon.cs.usu.edu                    #
#   user of some slow machines                       #

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