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a point of politeness: localized package variants

Maybe this is just happening to me, but there are two packages in the
archive that are localized semi-forks of packages I maintain. These
packages were packaged up by their maintainers, who did not bother to
get in touch with me first.

It may well be expeditious to make a package of a localized fork of
something in some cases (the packages in question weren't ameanable to
traditional localization techniques). But not even trying to collaborate
with the maintainer of the parent package is shooting yourself in the
back, because many of the issues that affect the parent package will
probably affect your localized version as well, and vice-versa. It makes
sense to get a communications channel open beforehand. And it seems
impolite to leave it up to the maintainer to stunble over the localized
package on their own.

For what it's worth, the two packages I ran into were cvsbook-ja and
slrn-ja, and I don't know how common this problem is.

see shy jo

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